
Do you have solar power envy? What can I say, it’s a great life style

Solar Panel envy is the wishing feeling you get when you see your neighbours lights are on, yet you can’t hear the sound of their generator. […]

Vice President Osinbajo Commissions Solar Hybrid Plant in AE – FUNAI

In a way to improve power supply and increase access to quality education, the Federal government under energizing Education programme has installed a solar Hybrid plant […]

AIIM raises $300 Million for its Electricity Projects.

  Africa Infrastructure Investment Managers (AIIM) has new funds available to be reinvested in investment projects in the energy sector in West Africa. This private equity […]

The comfort of using solar power!

Today, solar energy is more affordable than ever. A primary benefit of installing solar panels is long-term lower energy costs. Solar panels provide a comfortable home, […]
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