On the way to figuring out how much energy you require in total, determine how much power each of your appliances consume. Your power consumption is measured in watt-hours. So, you need to know the watts used by an appliance. It varies with each of the electric appliances. What is it’s size, type, time in use, and the technology of the device, etc. There are a couple of methods to know the wattage of an appliance.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!You can check the wattage of an appliance near the AC power cord. This may be in amps or watts. If it is in amps, then knowing the house voltage; you use a simple formula:
Watts = Amps * Volts
The kitchen is the hub of a home, so find below the power rating/ consumption per day/year
150 to 200 W
365 days – continuously
201 kWh
Microwave oven
1000 to 1500 W
48 weeks – 1.5 h/week
90 kWh
Conventional electric oven
2000 to 2500 W
48 weeks – 1.5 h/week
162 kWh
1200 W
48 weeks – 1 h/10 days
44 kWh (approx.)
200 W
48 weeks – 2 h/10 days
14.6 kWh
90 to 250 W
335 days – 4 hours/ day
20 to 60 W
335 days – 4 hours/ day
Low-energy light bulb
12 W
335 days – 5 hours/ day
20 kWh
Game console
20 to 180 W
387 hours/ year
7.75 to 69.5 kWh
TVD/ADSL decoder
365 days – continuously
277 kWh + 112 kWh
Halogen lamps
300 W
335 days – 5 hours/ day
503 kWh
Stereo system
40 W
335 days – 4 hours/ day
Window AC
660 W
365 days – 6 hours/ day
To get a quote for a full solar home system of your choice, simply make a request HERE