
Seven Striking Benefits of Going Solar that you should consider

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Seven Striking Benefits of Going Solar that you should consider

Solar energy is obtained from the sun’s radiation and it can be converted to electricity or heat. It is freely available and thanks to advances in technology, we can now harness even more of the solar energy that is continuously available to us. Here are great benefits related to this renewable source of energy.

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Solar Energy Is Applicable Everywhere

As long as there is sunshine, solar energy can be deployed anywhere. This is particularly useful for remote regions with no access to any other source of electricity. There is a vast amount of people around the world with no access to electricity because of distance to petrol stations. Independent solar systems could be deployed in those regions and improve the lives of millions of people.


Solar aids traffic in many regions.. Many street lights and traffic lights run on solar.

Great Impact on our Environment

Solar energy has the least negative impact on the environment compared to any other energy source. It does not produce greenhouse gases and does not pollute the water. Solar energy production does not create any noise, which is major a lot of solar benefit.

Solar Reduces Energy Bills

Generating your own electricity means that you will be using less from your utility supplier. This will immediately translate to savings on your energy bill.

Solar Provides 24-Hours Power

Unlike fuel scarcity, solar energy is always stored up for your use, anytime any day. With ample sun, energy is available for your use always.

Improves Grid Security  

The grid is less vulnerable to blackouts if there are many power plants which are spread out. A grid with high penetration of solar energy has thousands of energy production centres which are widely spread out. This improves the security of the grid in case of overload, natural or human-caused disasters.

Job Creation

The solar industry contributes to local job creation. Using a solar systems boosts the economy and positively affects the local community.

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