
What’s the Best Direction for Solar Panels to Face?

Why Should You Consider Solar Panels For Your Home?
6 Tips to Find the Perfect Solar Installer
What’s the Best Direction for Solar Panels to Face?

In the past, there was only one answer to the question, “What’s the best direction for solar panels to be pointed?” In the Northern Hemisphere, that direction was south. Because the sun shines directly over the equator most of the time, south-facing solar panels have an opportunity to collect more sunlight and generate more solar energy.

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Every house has a different orientation to the sun, so every solar installation presents its own opportunities and challenges. The trick is to install the solar panels in a way that not only collects the most sunlight but collects it in a way that strategically helps the homeowner save on their electricity bills.

South-facing solar panels have another advantage for homes that have access to net metering, which allows homeowners to get reimbursed for power they send back to the electrical grid. South-facing solar panel orientation collects the most energy around mid-day when there’s lots of sun. But that’s also when the home’s consumption is typically lowest because everyone’s off to work, school, etc. That means there’s lots of solar-generated power left to go back to the utility.

Solynta Engineer will first survey your home for obstacles – like trees, chimneys, power lines or taller buildings – that could block sunlight from reaching your solar panels. A home facing a less-than-optimal direction or sun-blocking obstacles can still produce plenty of solar power, but it may take more solar panels than a roof with a great orientation and no obstacles at all.

Our Engineers also know that solar panel efficiency makes an enormous difference in planning an optimum solar installation. Using more efficient panels’ means fewer panels are needed, and the kind of solar panels we use produces high-efficiency of 55% more energy over 25 years than conventional panels within the same space.

Investing in solar power can help your pocketbook and the environment. Let an experienced solar power provider like Solynta Energy point your family in this perfect direction.

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