
Questions Your Solar Provider Should Ask You

Solar vs Generator
Solar Energy as Energy King for World Demands
Questions Your Solar Provider Should Ask You

Going Solar is a long-term investment that pays off. Like other investments, it is one you must put proper consideration in to. When you do decide to go solar, getting acquainted with how solar panels work, what goes on during an installation and  how to manage your energy consumption are all things you should become conversant with. You will also need to do your research on the solar providers in your country and make a choice on which company offers the best services that will accommodate your peculiar needs.

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Over the last decade, making a shift to solar has been simplified. It really is not that complex. When all is said and done, developing a rapport with your chosen solar provider becomes important. They will have to give you a solution that meets your  needs.

But a reputable solar company will also have some questions for you as well. This may vary from one company to another. The fact is, an installation can not happen without proper knowledge of your needs, environment, budget and other factors.

Here are some questions your solar providers should ask you before an installation.


  1. What do you currently power in your home/business?

The most critical aspect of going solar is for the provider to know and understand your current lifestyle and needs with respect to power. An energy audit.

2. Can You Provide a Breakdown of Your Last 6 months Fuel and NEPA Bill?

In most cases, we are never really aware of how much we spend on petrol/diesel and electricity from the grid. Because these two bills are not paid on a fixed date each month, so we never really regard them. However, when we do the math, taking into consideration the constant rise in price of both, we start to understand where a chunk of income goes on a monthly basis. Your solar provider asks you this to have rough estimate on how much you spend on electricity and which solar plan best meets your budget

3. Do You Lease or Own Your Premises?

This question comes up as quite important particularly given the low rates of property ownership in the country. Your solar providers will have to know if the premises is rented or owned. While your solar panels can be moved when and if you decide to relocate (in a case where you presently occupy a a rented premises), the discussion on how to man the relocation costs when need arises should be noted. Your Solar Provider will also ensure that you notify the landlord of the installation and ensure that the roof is inspected beforehand. This will ensure that both parties agree that the roof, in its current condition, is suitable for installation. It is also an opportunity for the landlord to be assured that the solar company is reputable and experienced  and that his asset will be protected.

4.What Do You Want to Achieve by Going Solar?

This question may seem like a no brainer, and reading this first answers will most likely be, “to cut cost”. This question is asked to give the solar provider insight to what your immediate needs are and offer suggestions on what solar plans will best suit your peculiar needs. Energy management will be an essential aspect of this consultation as you will need to be considerate off how you use your system to get the best results

When going solar, you should be at ease when your solar provider asks questions. It is quite important to be as transparent as possible as this will ensure that you enjoy the most out of your solar plans and potential hiccups are averted in time.

Would you like to learn more about what you stand to gain when going solar? Click this link https://bit.ly/2KvPSjB

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